11 Common (Yet Preventable) Injuries In The Workplace

Ben Cowley • Feb 27, 2019
Injuries in the workplace are far more commonplace than you might think. In fact, research shows that 563,600 Australians have experienced a workplace injury or illness in the last 12 months, which is why it's important to stay aware of potential hazards and how they can be prevented at work. 

Data also shows that workers who are at highest risk of injury are:

  • Male (54.4%)
  • Aged between 50-54 (5.8%) closely followed by the 20-24 age group (5.5%)
  • An employee rather than an owner or manager (87%)
  • Technicians or trade workers (36%)
  • Working in the construction industry (21%)
Our mission at JV is to help create safer workplaces for everybody. This is one of our greatest drivers. When it comes to construction, manufacturing and logistics, nothing is more important than safety management.

To start promoting greater workplace safety today, take a look at some of the most common injuries that could take place in both blue and white collar work environments and how they can be better avoided. Here are 11 of the most common, yet preventable injuries in the workplace:

Slips and trips
Examples of incidents: falling on wet, greasy or slippery ground or tripping over an object lying on the ground. Trips can also be caused by uneven flooring, loose mats, open drawers, untidy tools or electrical cables.

This can lead to: musculoskeletal injuries, cuts, bruises, fractures, dislocations with the most commonly injured areas being the knee, ankle or upper and lower back.

How you can take preventative measures: Make sure that your staff are wearing shoes with a strong grip and better slip resistance. For instance, urethane and rubber soles are a safer option that vinyl and leather shoes. Also, consider the design of your floors, stairs, lighting, drainage and storage system at work. Get rid of rubbish and debris as quickly as possible to avoid build-up.

Falls from a height
Examples of incidents: falling from a ladder, roof or stairway, but can also include vehicles.

This can lead to: cuts, abrasions, concussions, broken bones, head injuries, soft tissue injuries

How you can take preventative measures: Sadly, the construction industry accounted for 37% of all falls-related injuries between 2003 - 2015. This makes it a huge area of focus for us and highlights the need for fall prevention systems including (but not limited to) safety mesh, guard railing, barriers, scaffolding, skylight protectors.

Heat-related illnesses
Examples of incidents: working in hot environments or summers without proper guidance, facilities, incorrect working gear or hydration.

This can lead to: Dehydration, heat rash, cramps, sunburn, fainting or heat stroke.

How you can take preventative measures: Make sure employees stay fully hydrated at work with water breaks, and set up cooler or shaded areas where they can take their breaks. Consider tinted safety glasses and sunscreen for everyone and never, ever remove PPE (personal protective equipment) just to cool down - they are always worn for a reason!

Repetitive motion injuries
Examples of incidents: Injuries sustained from repeated motions or awkward posturing, such as prolonged computer usage, constant lifting of heavy parcels or equipment or cleaning of large-scale environments.

This can lead to: Disorders involving muscles, tendons, soft tissues and nerves (such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome).

How you can take preventative measures: Consider the design of your work station. Is it ergonomic, and are frequently used objects within easy reach? For example, are the controls on a piece of machinery located in a place where the worker does not need to bend down to access it every time? Also consider mixing up the day with other tasks if possible, and giving your body regular rest or stretching opportunities.

Machine entanglement
Examples of incidents: Having your hair, clothing, jewellery or body part entangled on machinery, gears, pulleys, grinders and more.

This can lead to: Severe lacerations, amputations, contusions, bruises and chronic pain conditions.

How you can take preventative measures: When you’re dealing with machines that operate at a high speed, it’s often likely that you will not have time to react to an entanglement before it’s too late. Because of this, you must do everything within your power to prevent any chance of entanglement by ensuring workers are not wearing any loose clothing or jewellery and that anyone with long hair ties it up in a bun. You can supply workers with ear protectors, safety footwear and high vis garments that are correctly sized.

Also, make sure that only properly trained workers use any equipment and that machines are promptly turned off after use. Ensure all machinery has correct safety guards in place which are routinely maintained; turn off machinery when cleaning and/or removing items which have become jammed or difficult to maneuver; ensure employees are focused and free from distractions.

Prolonged standing or working in cramped conditions
Examples of incidents: Standing in an unchanging position, or being on your feet for long hours/all day. This is commonplace for workers in the manufacturing and service industries.

This can lead to: vein inflammation, chronic/inflammation, chronic/painful varicose veins, muscle fatigue, lower back pain, stiffness in the neck/shoulders, and sore feet.

How you can take preventative measures: Make sure that your workplace gives people enough room to move around freely. If the work is mostly standing, provide a seat as an option for the worker to take an occasional break. Encourage the worker to wear quality footwear and check your flooring materials like anti-fatigue mats, which are usually made of materials like rubber, carpet, vinyl and wood. These are often used to absorb shock and cushion the feet and lower limbs.

Excessive lifting, pushing, pulling or bending 
Examples of incidents: lifting boxes overhead, pushing or pulling crates, picking up and carrying heavy objects.

This can lead to: back pain, strains, sprains, tears and soreness. Most common injuries are of the back, followed by the shoulder, arm, wrist and knee.

How you can take preventative measures: Ensure there are business processes in place to limit the weight individuals are expected to carry; assess shape and object surface for gripping concerns; assess your workplace prior to completing tasks to make sure there are clear walking paths and suitable storage locations.

Help your staff follow the correct procedures and positions for pushing/pulling/lifting tasks (check out our 10 lifting techniques here). For the most demanding tasks, use assistive equipment such as power tuggers or mules. Allow your staff to take regular breaks and always encourage them to speak out for help if they feel an object is too heavy.

Hitting or being cut by an object or vehicle
Examples of incidents: hitting, being struck or being cut by a falling object (such as books falling from a shelf, projectiles ejected by machinery, falling tools or debris, vehicles and trolleys, collapsing objects/walls/shelves).

This can lead to: serious injuries of the head/brain, neck, back, spine, muscles, vessels and more.

How you can take preventative measures: make sure that tall standing objects or tall objects leaning against walls are stabilised and secure at all times. Check all workers are wearing the right protective clothing, and keep tools in good condition so that workers don’t need to apply extra force when using them.

For all moving objects like trucks or trollers, try to keep them on routes separate to where the workers are situated.Clearly mark out designated walking paths for areas where there are moving plant and machinery - signage must be present. Ensure storage areas and/or high level equipment is stable and located in suitable areas.  

Mental stress (which can lead to physical injuries)
Examples of incidents: Work-related mental health conditions can stem from high-demand jobs, poor role clarity, poor workplace relationships, remote or isolated work, poor organisational justice, poor environmental conditions and violent or traumatising incidents (such as witnessing a fight or injury).

This can lead to: physical symptoms such as fatigue, migraines, cognitive difficulties (this is especially risky for those operating machinery), gastrointestinal problems and dermatological disorders.

How you can take preventative measures: If an employee seems to be experiencing mental stress, encourage them to share the problem and work with them to find a resolution. If they are unwilling to discuss, offer an employee assistance program or refer them to a doctor.

Make sure that workers have a clear understanding of the role and are in a safe working environment. If they need breaks or prolonged time away from work, try to accommodate. You may also want to devise a stress management policy that everyone can get across.

Sometimes you may have to delve deeper and look within the business. Is the employee’s workload too much? Should it be shared? Could they be suffering from workplace bullying or harassment? If any concerns are presented, the workplace should manage the issue.

Contact with a chemical or substance
Examples of incidents: Contact with toxic gases, dusts, fumes, vapours and liquids. These can include various paints, cleaning chemicals, acids, glues, pesticides, gas cylinders, flammable liquids, corrosives, welding fumes and asbestos.

This can lead to: breathing impairment, skin or eye reactions, burns, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, fevers and diseases such as lung cancer, nerve damage and asbestosis.

How you can take preventative measures: Chemicals should be stored in a cool area away from exposed heat and sunlight, ideally in a lockable cabinet or area and be accompanied by the manufacturers MSDS. Limit the access to chemicals and train on correct dilution and usage techniques.

Make sure that all staff are wearing the correct workwear, especially goggles and fitted face masks. Have a system in place where you can readily identify, assess and control chemical risks at work. For more information, check this guide by WorkSafe.

Deafness caused by excessive noise
Examples of incidents: Exposure to excessively loud equipment such as jackhammers, planes, trains and more. While it varies from person to person, anything over 60 decibels can represent risk.

This can lead to: industrial deafness, tinnitus, permanent hearing loss

How you can take preventative measures: Make sure those in the noisy environment have adequate hearing protection, such as industry standard earmuffs. These should completely cover and form a vacuum around the ears, blocking out all external noise. Also, check the decibel level of the equipment you use to determine if certain machines need higher levels of protection. Get workers to take regular breaks in quieter areas and see if you can use sound dampeners or noise barriers to make the workplace quieter.

The need to maintain occupational health and safety is an ongoing one. By spreading greater awareness, we can prepare ourselves for any outcome - so don’t hesitate to share this post with others if you think it will help make a difference.

Stay safe everybody!

Ben Cowley

JV Recruitment’s aim is to provide a people-oriented approach to recruitment in Construction, Logistics, Manufacturing, and Business Support for permanent, contract or labour hire staffing solutions. 
15 Apr, 2024
Are you a construction professional looking to take your career to new heights? Discover valuable advice and insights on career progression, upskilling, and networking that will help you build a thriving career in the construction industry. The construction industry offers a wide range of exciting career opportunities for professionals looking to make their mark. Whether you're just starting or seeking to advance your career, there are several key strategies you can employ to reach your goals. Develop Your Skills Investing in your professional development is crucial for career advancement in the construction industry. Identify areas where you can improve your technical skills or acquire new ones that are in high demand. Consider pursuing certifications, attending workshops, or enrolling in courses that will enhance your expertise and make you a more valuable asset to your team. Build Your Network Networking is a powerful tool for career advancement in any industry, and construction is no exception. Attend industry events , join professional organisations, and connect with colleagues and specialist construction recruitment professionals on LinkedIn. Building relationships with other professionals can lead to valuable opportunities, such as job openings , partnerships, or mentorship. Seek Out Mentorship Finding a mentor who has already achieved the level of success you aspire to can be incredibly beneficial for your career growth. A mentor can provide guidance, advice, and support as you navigate your career path. Look for experienced professionals within your organisation or industry who are willing to share their knowledge and insights. Take On New Challenges Demonstrating your ability to take on new challenges and responsibilities is key to advancing your career. Volunteer for projects that stretch your skills and offer to lead teams or propose innovative solutions to problems. By showing initiative and a willingness to learn, you'll position yourself as a valuable contributor to your organisation. Communicate Your Goals Make your career aspirations known to your supervisors and colleagues. Engage in regular c areer discussions with your manager and express your interest in taking on additional responsibilities or moving into leadership roles. By communicating your goals clearly, you'll be more likely to receive support and opportunities for growth. Stay Up to Date with Industry Trends The construction industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies, techniques, and regulations emerging all the time. To stay competitive and advance your career, it's essential to stay informed about the latest industry trends. Read industry publications, attend conferences , and participate in online forums to keep up-to-date and demonstrate your expertise.  At JV Recruitment, we are committed to supporting construction professionals in achieving their career goals. Our team of experienced recruiters can provide valuable insights, job opportunities , and guidance to help you take your career to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your career growth in the construction industry.
27 Mar, 2024
The construction industry is a dynamic and challenging field that requires a diverse set of skills to succeed. While technical proficiency is undoubtedly necessary, the role of soft skills is often overlooked. In this blog post, we'll explore the crucial importance of soft skills in the construction industry and how they contribute to the success of construction professionals. Communication At JV Recruitment, we know communication is the foundation for any successful construction project. The roles we place emphasise: Active listening skills to understand the needs of site foremen, architects, and engineers and accurately translate that to tradespeople. Clearly conveying complex technical instructions, blueprints and project specs in ways that are easily understood, regardless of language barrier. Adaptability to communicate effectively across different audiences - from office managers focused on schedules and costs to hands-on construction crews in the field. Problem-Solving Construction is a field where unexpected issues are the norm, not the exception. Skilled problem-solvers are a must for the roles JV Recruitment fills. We seek candidates who can: 1. Quickly identify the root cause behind delays, code violations, material shortages or structural defects and implement a solution. 2. Think creatively to find workarounds like alternative materials, rerouting schedules or adjusting designs when roadblocks occur. 3. Make calculated decisions balancing quality, timelines and budgets to keep projects progressing despite changes and setbacks. Teamwork No construction job can be accomplished alone - our placements require collaboration across all levels of the project team. Top candidates demonstrate: 1. The ability to work cooperatively alongside project managers, engineers, inspectors, tradespeople and labourers towards shared milestones. 2. Resolving conflicts constructively through negotiation tactics, such as mediation of change orders or artistry disputes. 3. Flexibility to take on tasks outside their primary role, pivot from original plans and integrate seamlessly with new crew rotations. The Role of JV Recruitment At JV Recruitment, we understand the importance of soft skills in the construction industry. Our experienced team of recruiters is dedicated to helping construction professionals identify and cultivate the soft skills that will set them apart in their careers. Whether you're a seasoned construction professional looking to enhance your soft skills or a company seeking top talent with a potent combination of technical expertise and interpersonal abilities, JV Recruitment is here to support you. Browse our job openings or contact us to discuss your recruitment needs today.
27 Mar, 2024
The construction industry is known for demanding work schedules, long hours, and frequent job site travel. While these challenges are often inherent to the nature of the work, they can take a toll on the personal lives of construction professionals, leading to stress, burnout, and even decreased productivity if not managed. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of work-life balance in the construction field and provide practical strategies for managing the unique challenges faced by industry professionals. The Importance of Work-Life Balance working in the Construction sector Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for personal well-being and professional success. When individuals have the time and energy to nurture their relationships, pursue hobbies, and care for their physical and mental health, they are likelier to be happy, engaged, and productive in their work. On the other hand, a lack of work-life balance can lead to increased stress levels, decreased job satisfaction, and even higher turnover rates within the industry. Challenges in the Construction Industry The construction industry presents several unique challenges when it comes to achieving work-life balance: Long Hours Construction projects often require extended workdays, sometimes stretching into evenings and weekends to meet deadlines. Job Site Travel Many construction professionals must travel to various job sites, which can involve long commutes or extended periods away from home. Physically Demanding Work The physical nature of construction work can exhaust individuals, making it difficult to find the energy for personal activities and commitments.  Seasonal Fluctuations The construction industry is subject to seasonal fluctuations, with busy periods often coinciding with summer when many people prefer to spend time with family and friends. Strategies for Achieving Work-Life Balance Despite these challenges, there are several strategies construction professionals can employ to improve their work-life balance: Set Boundaries Communicate your commitments and priorities to your employer and colleagues. Be proactive in setting boundaries around your work hours and availability, and carve out time for family, friends, and personal interests. Prioritise Self-Care Make time for activities that promote physical and mental well-being, such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, and socialising with loved ones. Taking care of yourself will help you maintain the energy and focus needed to excel in your work. Leverage Technology Utilise project management tools, video conferencing, and other technologies to streamline communication and minimise unnecessary travel. This can help you work more efficiently and create more time for personal pursuits. Negotiate Flexible Arrangements Discuss the possibility of flexible work arrangements with your employer, such as compressed workweeks, remote work options, or adjusted start and end times. Many companies are increasingly open to such arrangements as they recognise the benefits of a healthy work-life balance. Foster a Supportive Workplace Culture Encourage open communication and support among colleagues. Share strategies for managing stress and maintaining balance, and work together to create a culture that values hard work and personal well-being. The Role of Employers While individuals have a significant role in achieving work-life balance, employers in the construction industry are also responsible for supporting their employees. Companies can take several steps to promote a healthy work-life balance: Encourage Open Communication Create an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their commitments and challenges. Listen to their concerns and work together to find solutions that benefit both the individual and the company. Offer Flexible Work Options Where possible, provide employees with flexible work arrangements, such as adjusted schedules, remote work options, or job sharing. This can help individuals better manage their personal and professional responsibilities. Prioritise Employee Well-Being Implement programs and initiatives that support employee well-being, such as wellness challenges, stress management workshops, and mental health resources. Demonstrate a genuine commitment to the health and happiness of your workforce. Lead by Example Ensure company leaders and managers model healthy work-life balance behaviours. When employees see their supervisors prioritising personal well-being, they are more likely to feel empowered to do the same. Achieving work-life balance in the construction industry is an ongoing process that requires effort and commitment from both individuals and employers. By implementing strategies such as setting boundaries, prioritising self-care, leveraging technology, negotiating flexible arrangements, and fostering a supportive workplace culture, construction professionals can successfully manage their industry's unique challenges and lead more fulfilling lives both on and off the job site. At JV Recruitment, we understand the importance of work-life balance in the construction industry. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping professionals find opportunities that align with their skills, goals, and personal commitments. If you're seeking a new role that supports a healthy work-life balance, we're here to help. Contact us today
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